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  • Keys to Abundant Health

    with Dr. David DeRose, MD, MPH NEWSTART Lifestyle Physician

    Date Title Presenter
    2010-03-25 Changing Bad Habi... Dr. David DeRose Play
    2010-03-26 Ancient Secrets: ... Dr. David DeRose Play
    2010-03-26 The Methuselah Fa... Dr. David DeRose Play
  • How to Share Jesus 101

    Date Title Presenter
    2009-07-31 Share Your Faith III Randy Hess Play
    2009-07-24 Share Your Faith II Randy Hess Play
    2009-05-22 Share Your Faith Randy Hess Play
  • Prophetic Pictures of God

    A 12-part series on the Book of Daniel by James Rafferty

    Date Title Presenter
    2009-04-17 Tidings of a Whir... James Rafferty Play
    2009-04-17 Time No Longer James Rafferty Play
    2009-04-17 The King of the N... James Rafferty Play